Friday, March 17, 2023





1. What is Law?


Ans: - In common word ‘Law’ means the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and which may be enforce by the imposition of penalties. Thus, Law means the measures to protect Legal Rights of common people.


2. What are the various kins of Law?


Ans: - As per territorial applicability law can be divided in two parts:

  •       i.         International Law.
  •     ii.         Municipal law.


Municipal Law can be divided into 3 categories:

  • a.     Constitutional Law,
  • b.    Civil Law and
  • c.     Criminal Law.


3. What is International Law?


Ans: - International Law means a body of rules established by custom or treaty and recognised by Nations as binding their relations with one another.


4. What is Municipal Law?


Ans: - Municipal Law means the specific to a particular city or country legislated under the recognition of the sovereign power of the country. For example, laws enacted by the Parliament of India.


5. What is Constitutional Law?


Ans: - Constitutional Law are the body of law that evolve from Constitution, setting out fundamental principles according to which a state is governed and defining the relationship between the various branches of Government within the state.


6. What is Civil Law?


Ans; - Civil Law means the body of rules that describes private rights and remedies and governs disputes between individuals. It deals with the Civil Rights of the persons and guided by statute.


7. What is Criminal Law?


Ans: - Criminal Law means the law which determine the Criminal liability of people and prescribe punishment for offender.

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