Contract Act brought a new era of rights of the citizens of India with
concerning Contractual action. It provides the rights, duties and obligation on
the contracting parties and hence can successfully conduct contractual
activities. The Indian Contract Act, 1872 was enacted in 25th of
April 1872 and subsequently came into force on the 1st day of
September 1872.
essence of the Indian Contact Act has been shaped on that of the English Common
Law. It is one of the most important legislations that has been drafted by
Britishers and has enacted various principles therein which are nothing but the
codification of general principles those were governing transactional
to enactment of the act, the contractual relationship used to govern by
personal laws of different religious communities, respectively, laws of Hindus
and Muslims. In order to understand the purview of present Contract Act we have
to understand the historical evolution of Contract Law, by focusing on the
practices that was prevalent prior to present contract law enacted.
evolution of contract law can be trace back from different time periods, such as
Vedic and Medieval period
Roman period
Islamic period
Hindu period, and
British period
Law of Contract in Vedic and Medieval period:
no general code governing the contractual relationship in entire ancient and
medieval period referring the human history of India. In such, principles were
hence derived from numerous references, respectively, the sources of Hindu Law,
namely, the Vedas, Dharmashastras, Smritis and Shrutis gave profound assertion
of law similar to contract in that time. The rules governing contracts from a
part of law called Vyavaharmayukha.
Chandragupt’s period contract prevalent in the form of ‘bilateral transactions’
between two individuals. Indeed, the essentials of these transactions were an
open contract and openly arrived at.
has mentioned the following contracts, which were considered as to be void-
§ Contracts
made during night
§ Contracts
entered into the interior compartment of the house
§ Contracts
formed in a forest
§ Contracts
formed in any other secret place
§ There
were certain exceptions to concealed contracts, such as
§ Contracts
made to ward off violence, attack and affray
§ Contracts
formed in celebration of marriage
§ Contracts
made under order of government
§ Contract
formed by trader, hunters, spies and other who would roam in the forest
the rights and duties of a Bailee in a Bailment as mentioned in Section-151 and
152 of the Indian Contract Act 1872, has its root to the Katyaynassmriti containing
a special provision called the Silpinyasa dealing with the deposit of raw
materials with an artisan-talking about the degree of care attached. The text
laid down that if an artisan does not return the things deposited with him
during the stipulated time, he should be made to pay its price even in cases,
where the loss is due to acts of God or King.
artisan, however, is not responsible for the loss of an article which was
defective at the very time of bailment unless the loss is due to his own fault.
was no time barred for bringing a suit for money lent. This happened due to
rule of ‘damdupat’ which laid down that the number of principles and interest
recoverable at one time in a lump sum cannot be more than double the money
result of damdupat is still prevalent in Calcutta and Bombay as it has been
upheld to be a valid custom and thus enjoys enforceability under the saving
clause, section-1.
Law of Contract in Roman Period:
early Rome, the Law of Contracts developed with the recognition of a number of
categories of promises to be enforced rather than creation of any general
criteria for enforcing promises. Thus, the notion that promise itself may give
rise to an enforceable duty was an achievement of Roman Law.
(stipulation) had sanction formalities and dates from a very early time in Roman
Law. A party could make a binding promise called stipulation in which the party
observed a prescribed from of questions and answers. Though the participation
of both parties was required, only one party was bound.
Real Contracts:
were those contracts that suited to executed exchange of promises. For example:
the contract of loan, in which the recipients promise to restore the subject
matter was binding.
Consensual Contract:
were the form of contracts which were more flexible and did not hold a legal basis
for enforcing purely executory exchanges of promises. They deviated from the
formalities in stipulation and in agreement alone, without delivery, sufficed
to make the promises binding. Although they were limited into four types of
contracts such as – sale, hire, partnership and mandate.
Innominate Contracts:
were the agreement under which one party had promised to give or do something
in exchange for a similar promise by the other party. A part from both Real and
Consensual Contracts they were not limited to specific classes of transactions
and were therefore called in nominated.
order to enforceability of promise there is required some performance given in
exchange and was called quid pro quo i.e., the modern concept of consideration
in the Contract. But these contracts were limited because they were binding
only when one of the parties had completed the performances and until that
happen either party could escape liability.
v. Dotis diction:
Lex Mancipi:
This contract used to be equal to the modern days contract of transfer of property.
Law of Contract in Islamic Period:
the Muslim period in India, all matters relate to contract used to governed by
the Mohammedan Law of Contract. The meaning of word Contract in Arabic is Conjunction.
It connotes conjunction of proposal is Ijab and acceptance which is Qabul.
for the contract is there should be two parties one will propose and other will
accept the proposal and mind of both must agree that is their declaration must
relate to same subject matter and the object of contract must be to produce a
legal result.
transactions were considered void under Muslim laws:
Riba Al-Fadl:
is a contract which produced unlawful excess in exchange of counter values in a
contemporary transaction.
Riba Al-Nasi`a:
means contract which produced unlawful gain without completing the exchange of
counter values.
Riba Al-Jahilyyah:
also called pre-historic riba. Where the lender asks the borrower whether he
will settle the debt or increase the debt.
type of transaction that was prohibited under Muslim laws and the same stance
was taken under the Indian Contract Act were the contract related to gambling,
contingent contract or wagering contract.
is not requirement of any kind of formality for the formation of a contract
according to Islamic law, the only requirement is that the express consent of
both parties, the proposal and acceptance must be made of the same thing in the
same sense. Furthermore, the Islamic classifies as per their special features
and following are the type of contract.
of property:
for an exchange like sale
without exchange like giving a simple
- iii.
to create succession namely request
of usufruct:
- i. In exchange for property, where the
movable and immovable things are given for hire, contracts for giving service
like carriage for goods, safe custody of property.
ii. Not being exchange of property like an
accommodate loan and deposit
are two modes for invalidation of contracts as Islamic laws provide, first the
right of either party to rescind the contract unilaterally without any legal
cause and the second one is to terminate the contract on the ground of
ground of destruction of contracts are as follow:
i. Invalidation of mutual agreement
ii. Cancellation of contract by death of
either party or destruction of subject matter or expiry of time period.
- iii. Cancellation by termination by either
- iv. Dissolution by termination of the
Islamic Law even marriages (Nikah) were treated as contracts and till date the
situation remains the same. Parties to the marriage makes a proposal to the
other party and it becomes a contract if the other party accepts, and the
husband either at the time of marriage or after the marriage it has to pay an
amount to the wife as a symbol of respect known as Mahr.
the concept of divorce was first recognised by the Mahommedans. This way, a
party to marriage could absolve itself of the contractual obligations under
marriage. Muslim marriages are thus considered contracts for these reasons.
Law of Contracts in Hindu period:
Jurisprudential aspect of the Hindu law is fundamentally different from that of
English law's jurisprudence. Hindu law is the result of the compilation of
numerous customs and works of Smritikaras, who interpreted and analysed Vedas
to develop the various aspect of Hindu law. Manu smriti in regarding the
contract law dealt with the incompetence to contract.
is various principle under Indian Contract Act which laid down in Hindu jurisprudential
aspects and that covers a contract entered by a minor, or intoxicated person or
an old man or the cripple is not valid contract.
Law of Contract in British period:
the emergence of the Indian Contract Act, The English Law was applied in the
Presidency Towns of Madras, Bombay and Calcutta under the Charter of 1726
issued by king George to the East India Company. Now, since no system can
afford to make all promises enforceable, the English tried out two assumptions:
the assumption that promises are generally enforceable, and then create
exceptions for promises considered undesirable to enforce.
the assumption that promises are generally unenforceable, and then create
exceptions for promises thought desirable to enforce.
the case where one of the parties is from any of the religion like if one party
is from Hindu and other is from Muslim then, in that case, the law of the
defendant is to be used. This was followed by the presidency towns, but in
cities outside the presidency towns, the matter was governed by justice, equity
and good conscience.
procedure was prevailed till the time Indian Contract Act was implemented in
India. In the years 1862, the installation of the High Courts took place in the
town of Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras and the charter of these High Courts also
contained the same provision as pervious law that High Courts to apply the
personal laws of the referred religions before passing any judgment in respect
to the contract cases.
emergence of The Indian Contract Act- The Indian Contract Act as prevailing today
had drafted originally by the third Indian Law Commission in the year 1861 in
England. The Indian Contract Bill had tried to defined laws relating to
Contracts, Sale of movable properties, Indemnity, Guarantee, Agency,
Partnership and bailment.
bill was not the complete law of contract, but aim of the bill was to suffice
the need of the country for an important period of time and during that period,
judges of the courts were taking the help of English laws in adjudging the case
when they failed to arrive at the judgments by concept of justice, equip and
good conscience. once a person made a promise, one is duty bound to perform on
drafter of the bill aware that the different religious people obeyed by
personal laws and for them it would be complex to abide the new rules so that
the special customs of the personal laws governing any aspect of the
contractual relationship would not be affected by new rules, unless or until
they are properly contrary to the new rules.
act came into force in 1872. Afterwards amendments were made in that regard,
which repealed section 76 to 123 dealing with the sales of goods act and
separate legislations were enacted called Sales of Goods Act 1930 and also,
section 239 to 266 dealing with partnership was repealed and formed new
legislation called Indian Partnership Act 1932.
changes with the call of requirement and eventually got a new shape likewise, Indian
Contract Act 1872 come into being with gradual development. By analyzing the
gradual development of Indian Contract Act it can be concluded that the Indian Contract
Act brought a new era in the contractual relationship and plays a vital role in
monitoring the contractual rights. But this law is not exhaustive code of law. It
deals with general principles of contract and contract relating to indemnity, guarantee,
bailment, pledge and agency but it does not deal with the contracts relating to
the Sale of Goods, Partnerships, Negotiable Instruments, Insurance etc.
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